Definition of On the air

1. Prepositional phrase. In the process of recording or broadcasting; a radio station that is transmitting a program; or a particular source of modulation, such as a specific microphone, that is connected. ¹

2. Prepositional phrase. Being broadcast. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of On The Air

on someone's account
on spec
on steroids
on strike
on sufferance
on tap
on tap(p)
on tape
on target
on tender hooks
on tenterhooks
on that
on that point
on the Q.T.
on the QT
on the air
on the alert
on the alert(p)
on the anvil
on the average
on the back burner
on the back foot
on the back of
on the ball
on the bench
on the bias
on the blink
on the books
on the bounce
on the brain

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